Friday, September 23, 2011

FUN update!!


That was definitely a process! Both carrying a baby in your body and adopting a baby, can be exhausting .... and, at the same time, worth it beyond words. It kinda feels like I am finally through my 1st trimester now and the morning sickness is over and the energy is coming back... :-)

So, we are sending out applications to different agencies this weekend. We are currently applying with 4 different agencies. Please be in prayer with us for our little boy and the wonderful mom who chose life and is carrying him. I will update again with more info on this next step of the process...

Thanks for all of your support, it means so much to Jeremy and I!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

so good, so true...

“It is a conscious decision to limit ones’ own options, pleasures, and even potential for the sake of extending the story of God to children who, without a link to you, may never discover their link to God. There is a battle raging for the hearts and souls of children. The enemy knows that if he can capture their hearts, he will have delivered a true blow to the Kingdom. He also knows that if those hearts come to know their Heavenly Father, there is nothing that will stop them! The most practical way for those children to come into their destiny is for them to come into a family first.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

love in action ...

Click on this link and look at this site. It is super easy to sponsor one of these children....and $30 a month is like sacrificing a couple sushi rolls ;) ...

But this woman, Heidi Baker, is my hero. She truly lives a life of love. She has given all of herself for something so much greater than anything the world could ever provide. She is a laid down lover of Jesus and her life is a testimony of His faithfulness. Click on this link, and think about supporting one or more of these kids a month ... every dollar given will be used to affect lives forever ... not a penny wasted ... read about Heidi and her ministry and her life, and you will be inspired to live bigger ...

Monday, September 5, 2011

delay, delay...

I know I said I would update frequently...I try, I really do...
I will try harder :)

As you know, our home study was suppose to be completed Sept.1. On that day, however, we got a message from the woman who is finalizing our home study and submitting it...she is the one who completes it, and so she is the one that gave us the Sept 1 date. Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago, there was a medical issue with someone in her family, and she has had to care for this person and has been unable to work much. So, her new date to have the home study finalized is mid-September.

We cannot submit applications to agencies until our home study is finalized. And so, we wait. But, we have such a peace about Gods hand in all of this, so this delay doesn't upset us. We see it as more time for Carsyn to continue to get more independent and mobile, and more time for us to prepare for his arrival, and more time for us to get finances together.

Today I want to encourage everyone who reads this blog, if you don't already, to do something to pour into the life of an orphaned child. Whether it be taking them in, praying for them, financial contribution, giving your time to go on a missions trip and love on these kids ... whatever it is that you feel led to do, I want to encourage you to do it. We give what we have to those that don't, and that is living life. Not about what I can do for me, but what can I do for someone else ... and we all have something more we can give.

Jeremy is home from work because its Memorial Day, its pouring rain and suppose to be 70 all day. Windows are open all over our house. I am sipping coffee and listening to Ri and Carsyn downstairs laughing at their daddy who is acting like a silly monster I think ... laughing, with an occasional scream and loud banging... like someone just fell off a bed or threw a huge toy at the wall possibly.... and this is why we don't have nice things ....

;) haha

I love this day :)