However, I am hoping to start updating much more frequently. There is a little bit of a lull in the process after all the paperwork is submitted and until we get a phone call. This is now the waiting period, with not much news to report. Right now we have applied to 4 agencies. So, our applications are being processed with those agencies now. We have applied to 2 agencies in Florida, 1 in Utah, and 1 in Arizona ... all 'adoption friendly' states. However, technically, the baby could be from anywhere. Those agencies will help mothers outside of those states, so just because our applications are with those agencies, does not mean we will definitely travel to one of those places to get our little boy.
There is still so much unknown. And normally, if you know me, you know that I like to know things. I am super analytical and like to know what is going on and what is next ... and so, you would think that this not-knowing and waiting process would drive me crazy. But, it is such the opposite. Jeremy and I have such a crazy supernatural amazing peace about this whole thing. We could get a call today about a baby ... it could be months from now ... and that doesn't stress either of us at all. What we know is so much greater than what we don't know. We know God spoke, we know He has a baby for us, we know we are following His voice, and we know that His way is perfect ... this is a willful surrender to His purpose, plan and destiny for our family. And I am truly learning the absolute joy and rest and peace that comes when you hear Gods voice and surrender yourself to Him ... even in the midst of uncertainty ... even when you don't know how this is going to work out or what is going to happen. Knowing God is GOOD, knowing His love ... it just makes the journey so fun.
There is a peace and a rest and a strength and a JOY that overflows, when you set your gaze on the only sure thing in this world ... there is a knowing in the midst of the unknown that causes everything to make sense ...
I will update again soon ... very soon ... and maybe, just maybe, it will be about our new baby :)