Thursday, August 18, 2011


If you know us fairly well, you know about our amazing two daughters. Riley is way loud, crazy, intense, active, headstrong, stubborn, does not like sleep and never stops. Carsyn is the sweetest human ever created ;), but the challenges we have to walk through with her add an entirely new level of difficulty. Either of them alone, would be a handful, put them together and our life is pretty crazy at times. So, the obvious question that runs through probably 98% of the heads of the people that know we are adopting, is why now? Not many people choose to have 2 babies 18months apart ... even if they don't have any other kids or any slightly difficult situations to deal with.

And, I said I would keep entries short, so I can't answer this all now, but will over the next few days because we have been asked about this several times over the last couple weeks.

What I will say for today is that our life is not about our comfort and our convenience. And when you choose to follow Gods voice above all others, He is going to have you do things that make no sense to anyone....not even to you. You will be stretched and taken to a place of feeling completely inadequate to handle what He has called you to do. You will come to recognize your need for Him, and also His desire to fill you. And as you take that step of faith and follow His lead, you will learn a new level of freedom, and experience a new depth of grace and love ... you will learn how strong and faithful God is, and you will see how He really does provide 'all you need according to His riches and glory' (phil 4:19). Life will take on a new level of JOY and FREEDOM and FUN as you willingly give yourself to Him.

And over the past few months as we have prayed and asked God for clarity, vision, direction and confirmation, He has shown us so much about life and transformed our way of thinking and living in such an awesome way. He has taken us to a new place of faith and trust and love and redefined the 'american dream' in our lives. So, over the next few days, I will write a little bit more about why we are doing this now and how we have already been affected by this whole process.

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