Tuesday, August 16, 2011

home study

Yesterday we had our final home study interview. It went great. We are on target to have home study completed at the end of this month!

Riley showed the lady doing our home study around our house. She gave her 'the tour' ... and she pointed out where 'black beau' sleeps. The home study lady did not know that we had a black cat, and since we are adopting an African American boy, thought riley was saying that this is where our 'black boy' would sleep when he came to our house ... which was a chair.

I did some fast explaining that no, no, our baby will not be sleeping in the corner of this room on this dirty chair...and, no, Ri did not say 'black boy', our cats fur is black and his name is beau... and he likes to nap in that chair ...
;) haha

Keep praying for our little boy and his birth mother. Pray God would bless her abundantly for the sacrifice of love that she is making, and that our son would feel Gods presence and love and joy even as he is growing and developing in the womb...

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers! It means the world to us!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh... I laughed so hard that I cried on that one!!! HAAAAAAAAAA
